How to edit this site #
If you want to edit or add to any of the pages here, please click on the “Edit this page” link at the bottom of the page you want to edit. This will take you to a GitHub repository, which stores the source files for that particular page. From there you can click on the tiny pencil (on hover: Edit this file), which will allow you to make any edits you want. Please remember that any tables or fancy formatting will have to be written in markdown / html to be visible. Once you’re finished, just click the link at the bottom of the page to create a new branch and start a pull request.
If you want to add new pages to the website remember that the headings are weighted (ordered) in the _index file. Sub headings are ordered within those directories and I’ve given them a different unit for clarity. Best to try clicking on everything when you’re done, to make sure they don’t randomly rearrange themselves.