Available data

Available data #

The following data products are available in the data registry. Each of the following entries includes a brief description of the dataset, the date this descrition was entered, any links to additional information, and the name of the data product in the data registry.

Population estimates #

National Records of Scotland mid-2018 small area population estimates for Scotland, by single year of age, for males, females and persons, for 2011 data zones and council areas.
Description last updated: 29/10/2020
Data registry: human/demographics/population/scotland
England and Wales
Office for National Statistics small area population estimates for England and Wales, by single year of age, for males, females and persons, for 2011 output areas, 2018 electoral wards, local authority, 2011 lower/mid super output areas, local health boards (2018), 1km grids and 10km grids.
Description last updated: 29/10/2020
Data registry: not yet available

Spatial conversion tables #

Geography lookup tables used for aggregation from 2011 data zones to higher level geographies and grid zones
Description last updated: 29/10/2020
Data registry: geography/scotland/lookup_table
England and Wales
Geography lookup tables
Description last updated: 29/10/2020
Data registry: geography/england/lookup_table

Mortality data #

Number of deaths (weekly) associated with Covid-19 and the total number of deaths registered in Scotland. Data are available for the whole of Scotland and by council area and health board. Deaths are broken down by age group (0, 1-14, 15-44, 45-64, 65-74, 75-84 and 85+) for males, females and persons.
Description last updated: 08/09/2020
Data registry: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/human-mortality
Notes: Cron job running on the Boydorr server every Wednesday at an arbitrarily chosen time of 15:00
The data are reported each day by Health Protection Scotland (HPS). This is a cumulative total of deaths since the start of the pandemic in Scotland. Dates shown refer to the day the figure was reported on the SG website.
Description last updated: 08/09/2020
Data registry: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/mortality
Notes: More info here; Cron job running on the Boydorr server every day at 14:30

Records #

Numbers of ambulance attendances (total and COVID-19 suspected) and number of people taken to hospital with suspected COVID-19. The number of attendances is defined as the number of incidents recorded by SAS, where a resource arrived at the scene.
Description last updated: 08/09/2020
Data registry: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/ambulance
Notes: More info here; No longer updated
Numbers of calls to NHS 111 and the coronavirus helpline. The number of calls to 111 includes all calls to this line, whether or not they relate to COVID-19.
Description last updated: 08/09/2020
Data registry: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/calls
Notes: More info here; No longer updated
Updated every Wednesday.
Description last updated: 08/09/2020
Data registry: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/carehomes
Notes: More info here; Cron job running on the Boydorr server every day at 14:30
The data include a snapshot of the number of people in ICUs across Scotland with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 and the number of people in hospital across Scotland with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.
Description last updated: 08/09/2020
Data registry: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/hospital
Notes: More info here; Cron job running on the Boydorr server every day at 14:30
NHS staff absences. The figures cover all staff recorded as absent on the system, irrespective of whether they were due to be at work on that particular day. Uploaded weekly as of 22/7.
Description last updated: 08/09/2020
Data registry: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/nhsworkforce
Notes: More info here; Cron job running on the Boydorr server every day at 14:30
Local authorities have agreed to the sharing of their pupil attendance and absence data on a daily basis.
Description last updated: 08/09/2020
Data registry: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/schools
Notes: More info here; Cron job running on the Boydorr server every day at 14:30
The data shows the number of people tested for COVID-19 across Scotland to date, with a breakdown for negative and positive, the daily number of new positive cases of COVID-19 reported in Scotland, the total number of COVID-19 tests with results in the Health Protection Scotland ECOSS system reported to HPS by the laboratories in the 24 hours from 08:00 to 08:00 that day, and the total number of COVID-19 tests carried out each day, and to date by Regional Testing Centres (RTC) as part of the UK Government testing programme.
Description last updated: 08/09/2020
Data registry: records/SARS-CoV-2/scotland/cases-and-management/testing
Notes: More info here; Cron job running on the Boydorr server every day at 14:30

Shapefiles #

Text description
Description last updated: 09/09/2020
Data registry: NA
Notes: NA
Text description
Description last updated: 30/10/2020
Data registry: England/Wales spatial lookup table - grid_shapefile
Notes: External Object
Text description
Description last updated: 30/10/2020
Data registry: Scottish datazone shapefile
Notes: External Object
Text description
Description last updated: 30/10/2020
Data registry: Scottish spatial lookup table - grid_shapefile
Notes: External Object

To do #

The Scottish Government’s official tool for identifying concentrations of deprivation in Scotland. Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2020v2 for 2011 data zones. Ranks (1=most deprived to 6,976=least deprived) and groups (quintiles, deciles and vigintiles) are based on the income domain
Description last updated: 08/09/2020
Data registry: not yet available
The Scottish Government’s 6-fold Urban Rural Classification (2016) provides a standard definition of rural areas in Scotland. Areas (2011 data zones) are classified as either large urban (1), other urban (2), accessible small towns (3), remote small towns (4), accessible rural (5) or remote rural (6)
Description last updated: 09/09/2020
Data registry: not yet available
Text description
Description last updated: 09/09/2020
Data registry: not yet available
Schools in Scotland
Description last updated: 09/09/2020
Data registry: not yet available
Care home data
Description last updated: 09/09/2020
Data registry: not yet available
Proportion of workers in each industry sector
Description last updated: 09/09/2020
Data registry: not yet available
Death rate / birth rate
Description last updated: 09/09/2020
Data registry: not yet available